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  INS Kurusura Submarine Museum Vizag
INS Kurusura Submarine


Entry Fee:
Adult : Rs.40-00
Children : Rs.20-00
For Camera : Rs.50-00
For Video camera : Rs.200-00
Timings: 2.00 Pm to 9.00 P.M Every Day
Monday Holiday

It is another landmark in the tourism chapters of Visakhapatnam. The first of its kind in the whole south Asia. INS Kurusura Submarine is a Soviet built-I-641 class Submarine was inducted into the Indian Navy on 18, December 1969 and the same was decommissioned on 28, February 2001 after 31 years of glorious service to the nation. The complete Submarine including the weapon package was hauled-up from Sea to land and positioned on a concrete foundation at Gajapathi Raju Marg, Ramakrishna Beach Road, Visakhapatnam. For setting-up the Submarine Museum, a sum around Rs.6.00 Crores was spent in technical association with Naval-ship Design and Research Center. The length of Submarine is 91.3 m. while the breadth is 8.00 m.

The Government in G.o.Ms.No.88 Youth Advancement, Tourism and Culture (Tourism) Department, dated: 30-4-2002 have ordered to transfer the entire Submarine Museum with the surrounding areas developed for the Museum including the food courts and open areas etc. to VUDA for the up-keep and maintenance of the Submarine Museum and throw open to the public for display and entertainment and the Vice-chairman, VUDA was permitted to enter into a MOU with Naval authorities for the up-keep and the maintenance of the Submarine Museum.

The Kurusura Submarine Museum was dedicated to the Nation on 9th August 2002 by Sri N.Chandrababu Naidu, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and opened to public on 14-8-2002 by VUDA.

The services of six guides and one curator have been hired from the retired employees of Navy to educate about history and activates of the Submarine to visitors. The Submarine museum is opened to visitors on all the days from 4.00 PM to 8.00 PM except on Monday being the maintenance holiday is closed to public. On all Sundays and public holidays the museum open in Morning hrs from 11.00 AM to 1.30 PM.

There is an over whelming response from the visitors. Pilgrims, tourists, students from different parts of the country and globe coming to Visakhapatnam like to make their moments memorable at this underwater unit on the land. The State VIPs and guests of various public and private organizations and institutions coming to the Port City prefer to see this amazing spot on seashore.

Announcing The Ever Prestigious
INS KURSURA, The underwater behemoth of Indian Navy, is located on the goldern sands of RK Beach from which the now prestigious,’Submarine Museum’ emahated.This project, was taken up by the Eastern Naval Command as a joint venture with the National Ship Design and Research Center.This museum was recognized by the Navy as a War Memorial with a project cost of Rs.5.5 Crores.This is the first of its kind in Asia and topped the second position in the world.The submarine is acknowledged as the most successful design of the world.It is made of steel,in the Russian model which is 91 meter long and during her operational period,it was not hindered by the enemies’ assaults.INS Kursura,was commissioned on the 18th December.1969 subjecting it to the national duty of patrolling the Indian waters by blocking threats from the enemy’s stand.

Life on a Submarine:
Submarine undergone rigorous trainng at INS Sathavahana which includes damage control,drills and emergencies,battle tactics and escape training through a

A sea experience of 6 months qualifies the submarine for the prestigious Dolphin Badge,envied all over.

Space in a submarine is premium,giving Importance to equipments,ammunitions,life saving systems taking priority.

Officers and Sailors do hot Bunking,which is sharing limited bed space in turn.

The day to day activities in a submarine includes action stations,maintenance,weapons firing etc.,

In a Kitchen of size 4’*6’”, 2 cooks prepare meals for the whole crew.

77 men on board share 2 wash basins and 2 toilets for month at sea.

Welcome Onboard

Class : I-641
Make : USSR
Commissioned : 18 Dec 1969
Length : 91.3 m
Breadth : 8.00 m

Displacement : 1945 Tons (Surfaced)
2469 Tons (Submerged)
Compliment : 08 Officers
69 Sailors
Diving depth : 280 mtrs
Speed : 15.5 Knots
Propulsion : 3 x Diesel Engines
448 Batteries
Torpedoes : 22

Training the mighty oceans apart, the role of the submarine include the commanding of the blue waters which ifinge ideep into enemy waters.It is fitted with 22 torpedoes and reaches the speed of almost 15.5 Knots.On 28th February, 2001 after a glorious service of 31 years to the nation,INS Kursura was commissioned .Now, it is waiting to reveals its glorious saga of her underwater exploits.

So, come and discover the unraveled mystery of the Submarine – The ’INS KURSURA’.

The Eastern Naval Command alunched a prestigious project of setting up a unique ’Submarine Museum’, first of its kind in Asia on the beach front near the war memorial with an aim to provide a great fillip to the tourist potential of the city.

Exulting with the breath taking beauty of the blues waters,caressing the golden sands of the Vizag beach lies the submarine museum – ’INS Kursura’. It rejuvenates a feeling of sacrifice and patriotism in the minds of true citizens. This Museum, not only pictures out the past history of the submarines, but also makes us aware of the hardships faced by the warriors. Who has been part of it.

INS Kursura, the Navy’s fourth submarine was hauted on to the beach on February, 2001. It was indeed an engineering marvel; involving large complexities of very high order.The last phase of civil works entranced the museum in all respects for regular public viewing. Special modification was carried out to facilitate visitors, to have a clear view of the interior of the decommissioned submarine.

The submarine in all its explicit beauty imprints its complete weapon package from sea to land and is positioned on concrete foundation. It’s interior decoration merges completely with the scenic beauty,carved around it. The museum contains milestone of the evolution of the submarines’chronicled through the display of artifacts, photographs and written scripts. The aim of its existence is to broadcast the glory of the submarines arm and presenting every glimpse of the life, led by people who are part and parcel of it. It also reveals the hardships and toils. Visakhapatnam, matchless in beauty and landscapes, has become popular and it is no exaggeration to say that no other place in Andhra Pradesh is blessed with such scenic surroundings. This credit goes to the Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA) which has joined hands with Andhra Pradesh Tourism to undertake many innovate measures to develop the ever green Vizag city into a landmark of beauty to the while nation. Through the years, it has been successful in providing the nature seekers with a picturesque hill adding to it an enchanting panoramic sea view. Vudapark, another exotic place for recreation through nature’s entertainment.Thotlakonda, the Buddhist complex on the hill top o mangamaripeta and many others exuberant displays by VUDA for us to experience a different world of entertainment. One such discovery is the aperture of INS Kursura, the Submarine Museum, a platform to create awareness among the common people to know about the action of the submarines and its crew. It opens for regular public viewing from 3P.M to 8 P.M in week days and from 8 A.M to 8 P.M in Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, revealing to us something which we have’nt known.

INS Kurusura Submarine

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